Let’s Support our Armed Forces to Defend us Better – Bebeyi

Nigerians have been urged to always show support and appreciation to the Armed Forces for the numerous sacrifice they are making daily to protect our country from external aggression and internal insurrection.  This admonition was made by an Abuja based international businessman and entrepreneur, Prince Emmanuel Ade Bebeyi, in a chat with Nigerian Security Digest.

According to Bebeyi, the Nigerian military have shown enough commitment and determination in carrying out their constitutional responsibility of defending Nigeria’s territorial integrity; Nigerians must therefore begin to appreciate this fact and show our gallant military the respect and support they deserve.

“Based on many years of interaction with the Nigerian Armed Forces, I honestly believe that they are currently doing the best they can with what they have. We must take into consideration the challenges they have faced, and have to over come.  The military are without doubt doing their best, bearing in mind that as security challenges evolve every day”.

Mr Bebeyi who is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Bebeyi Merchants Limited, extolled the leadership qualities of the current Chief of Defence Staff and the Service Chiefs, noting that the Nigerian military is improving in the areas of training, logistics, infrastructural development, troops accommodation, medical supplies, uniforms and accessories/accoutrement, and general welfare of troops.


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