Boko Haram Network Commences Recruitment Drive- MNJTF

The Multinational Joint Task Force has obtained credible information regarding a plot by the beleaguered Boko Haram /ISWAP leadership, particularly, in the Lake Chad Area to launch an aggressive indoctrination and recruitment drive in the coming weeks.

The forced recruitment is expected to target young and adult males. The back up plan is to kidnap unwilling targets. It would be recalled that within the last few weeks, offensive operations and internal squabbles for money and power have depleted Boko Haram / ISWAP.

The terrorist organization therefore plans to use the envisaged recruitment to cover the severe manpower shortage facing them. Consequently, the Task Force urges youths in the North Eastern states of Nigeria, Lake Province of Chad, Diffa Region of Niger and Extreme North Region of Cameroon, to be vigilant and shun all promises of opportunities for quick money and misguided teachings about jihad.

The Multinational Joint Task Force also wishes to draw the attention of the public in the affected areas and environs to the sinister plan of Boko Haram / ISWAP and appeals to Imams, community leaders and parents to sensitize their congregations and family members and also watch the activities of their youths and children.

Community leaders are further encouraged to immediately report suspicious activities to law enforcement agencies.

Colonel Timothy Antigha Chief of Military Public Information MNJTF, N’Djamena


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