Terrorists Kill Member in Zamfara, Threaten Community

Almost every night gunmen come out to patrol in rural areas around Dansadau, Zamfara State to terrorize residents.

But on Wednesday, in Bawar Daji, Anka Local Government Area, the patrolling members of an armed gang shot and killed one of their own and later accused the community of killing him.

They attacked members of the community and killed five persons, witnesses said.

According to a resident, Jamilu Bawar Daji, “You know they usually wear dark clothes, so he wore light clothes.

“When they came into the community patrolling one of them shot him thinking he was a community member. So, when they killed him they immediately left.

“On Thursday we tried to burry him since they left him here but they came back to accuse us of killing him, shooting sporadically.

“We’ve already seen five bodies and most of the residents have fled to Zanoka, Akuzo Communities”

Another resident was asked why they did n report the matter to security agents, he said: “There’s no presence of security in the area and it is hectic to take a dead body like that to Anka or Dansadau.”

Credit: HumAngle


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