CISA Makes Case for National Security, Lambasts Politicians, Mischievous Groups For Vilifying Armed Forces On Media

The Citizens’ Initiative for Security Awareness (CISA) has condemned the sustained media vilification orchestrated of the military by unpatriotic politicians and mischievous interest groups.

The National Coordinator of the foremost , Mr. Chidi Omeje, said what the military and all other agencies that are engaged in the counter-terrorist operation and other internal security operations, across the country need at this moment is unconditional public solidarity and unflinching support.

“As citizens, we must ensure that their morale is boosted and their fighting spirit up at every material time,” he noted. Omeje, spoke at a press conference in Abuja on Sunday, noting that when the blood-thirsty Boko Haram terrorists’ group began its brutal violent campaign against innocent Nigerians, the Nigerian security agencies led by the Armed Forces, gallantly rose in defence of the people.

He said: “Their gallantry, as we sadly note, has not been without a huge price: a number of soldiers have paid the supreme price, many others have lost their limbs or have been maimed for life, young families of military personnel have been thrown into mourning and sorrow; many more soldiers are still in harm’s way, doing all they could to defend and protect us from those who seek to destroy us.”

The CISA boss, while maintaining that the Nigerian Armed Forces and indeed the entire Nigeria security apparatus are not on trial, said any attempt to ridicule and destroy the image, integrity and standing of the fighting forces must be condemned by every right-thinking Nigerian.

He said: “In our estimation, those on trial are the double-dealing political, religious and ethnic jingoists who are hell bent in destroying our national security fabric to advance their selfish interests.

“Even as we align ourselves to the call for quick decimation of the Boko Haram terrorist group and total obliteration of banditry in our country, we do not want to believe the lie that the problem lies In our estimation, those on trial are the double-dealing political, religious and ethnic jingoists who are hell bent in destroying our national security fabric to advance their selfish interests.”

Mr. Omeje, at the briefing, urged politicians to find a way to drum up support for the fighting forces from their constituents. He said: “What could be more horrendous than not offering our troops useful information that will help rout the adversaries but actually sabotaging their effort by leaking their movement or position to terrorists or bandits?

“We the citizens know that what we have on our hands are mostly asymmetrical warfare waged by terrorists among us. It is a war bordering on subversion in which there is no clear distinction between combatants and borders.

“We perfectly understand the nature of this crisis and appreciate the peculiar challenges our security forces are facing in dealing with the situation. We are very confident that the good will ultimately triumph over evil and that our military and other security agencies will certainly defeat the terrorists and their sponsors.

“While we thank the international community for their support, let nobody or group intimidate, blackmail or disparage our gallant fighting forces. “Our security forces must be insulated from the malaise of negative politics ravaging the land, and politicians must desist from wearing out our soldiers with their divisive, incisive and insensitive pronouncements.”


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