Military Operations: 869 Boko Haram killed, 321 kidnap victims rescued in 90 days

The military says no fewer than 869 insurgents have been killed while 321 kidnap victims  rescued by its troops in frontline operations in the last three months.

Giving a breakdown of military operations within the time under review, the Coordinator Defence Media Operations, Major General John Enenche, also disclosed that 9,040,300 litres of stolen AGO and 33, 500.00 litres of DPK were recovered during various clearance operations in the Niger Delta area by troops.

According to him, 1, 708 were arrested in connection with various crimes while large cache of arms and ammunition were also recovered.

He said results from the theatres of operations within the time, confirm the military is winning the war “from our operations within the third quarter of this year, it is obvious that the Armed Forces of Nigeria is winning the war against the enemies of our great country.

“Consequently, the Armed Forces of Nigeria will remain resolute and highly committed to this cause. It will sustain the offensive and will not relent until peace is restored to every troubled zone of Nigeria”.

Enenche added: “The efforts and sacrifices of the gallant officers and men of the Military as well as other security agencies that conduct these operations have been progressive. It thus behooves on us to keep the Public abreast of our unrelenting and committed efforts in the various theatres of operation; hence, the need for this third quarter scorecard, to give the general public a succinct outlook of our performance between July and September 2020.

“This would give a better perspective of the cumulative results of the operational activities and achievements of the Military operating with sister security agencies in the various theatres of operation, across the geopolitical zones of the Country.

“Within the period under review, troops engaged in series of land, maritime and air operations, involving both kinetic and non-kinetic activities across the country in major and subsidiary operations.

“The land operations conducted among others across the various theatres of operation include; clearance, ambush, raid, picketing, cordon and search operations as well as artillery bombardments and aggressive patrols.

“Others were maritime operations involving anti-piracy, anti-illegal bunkering, anti-crude oil theft and anti-pipeline vandalism operations as well as other duties such as anti-smuggling operations.”

Furthermore, comprehensive air operations including air patrols, Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance missions, offensive air strikes, air interdictions, search and rescue operations as well as close air support and air cover for ground troops.

“These operations resulted in the deletion of several terrorists and bandits, inhibition of activities of economic saboteurs as well as exposures and obviation of other criminal activities. In all these efforts, some of our troops paid the supreme prize. However, troops of the Armed Forces of Nigeria and other security agencies have consistently exhibited gallantry and resilience in the various operations. Just as evidenced in our press releases and weekly briefings, during the period, scores of terrorists and bandits have been neutralized, others incapacitated and their camps destroyed through ground, maritime and air operations.

“In addition, several criminal elements, including high profile members were killed in action while others arrested, sometimes together with their families as well as informants and gunrunners. Besides, there are records of scores of them surrendering to troops due to overwhelming superior firepower.

“Other feats recorded in the course of our operations were the rescue of kidnapped victims, repel and forestallment of terrorists attack on civilians and troops as well as recovery of caches of arms and ammunition, equipment and vehicles and oodles of livestock. You may also recall that, in the maritime environment, troops in major and subsidiary operations were able to disrupt smuggling activities, deactivate illegal refining sites, arrest perpetrators, seize foreign parboiled rice and recover tons of petroleum products”.



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