UNISFA Force Commander, Gen Sawyerr, visits Nigerian Contingent, commends troops’ professional conduct

The UNISFA Acting Head of Mission and Force Commander, Maj Gen Benjamin Olufemi Sawyerr, visited the Nigerian Contingent (NIGCON 1) Camp on September 7, 2023, to spend some time with the peacekeepers. During the visit, he found the personnel of the contingent to be highly motivated and commended them for their engineering capabilities, which were brought to bear in the rebuilding of their Camp.

The Contingent Commander of NIGCON 1, Col EJ Nkereuwem, provided a detailed brief on the Unit’s activities and achievements since arriving the mission area. The Ag HoM/FC commended the professionalism, dedication, and operational conduct of the Contingent in securing the FHQ Camp. He also commended the Contingent Commander for his purposeful and visionary leadership that has prevented and stopped the issue of thefts within the FHQ Camp.

Additionally, the Ag HoM/FC commanded the troops for their level of discipline and the way they have projected the Nigerian Army in Peace Support Operations. During the tour of their camp, the Ag HoM/FC expressed his satisfaction with the camp’s infrastructure and maintenance, acknowledging the efforts made by the Contingent Commander to create a conducive living environment for the peacekeepers.

The highlights of the visit also included an interactive session with troops, presentations of souvenirs, and tree planting by the Ag HoM/FC to commemorate the visit.

The Ag HoM/FC’s visit to the Nigerian Camp was an acknowledgment of the contributions made by NIGCON 1 in securing UN personnel and facilities in UNISFA FHQ Camp and maintaining peace and security within the Abyei Box. He expressed gratitude for the commitment and professionalism demonstrated by the Nigerian peacekeepers and wished them the very best in their tour of duty in UNISFA.